Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Such an amazing workshop! It was really awesome meeting all of you.


Hi guys!

Here is some of the pics of you that i made at the Barnstorm, share yours!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

cell phone numbers

hey guys please leave your cell phone numbers in the comments of this post

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The newest Orange Team member

Thanks for the warm welcome, Josh. And hi, Orange Team!

I'm so excited to be part of this phenomenal group. I took a look at some of your photo work — and I'm so impressed. You all are incredible photographers, and I have no doubt you will produce some amazing work.

As the multimedia producer for the Orange Team, I'm here to help with all things multimedia. If you have any questions or if I can do anything to help in the coming weeks, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. As Josh mentioned, I'll be helping produce the one final multimedia project for our team, and I am so eager to get to work!

I can't wait to meet you all. Only a few weeks left... Until then, happy shooting! :)


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

a new orange has joined us!!!

hey guys have you missed me? it has been a busy august and i have been swamped, so sorry for the silence

not too long ago brian storm emailed me to let us know who our multimedia producer will be. some of you may already know that each team at the workshop will get to do ONE multimedia piece with the help from the great people at media storm. the student that is chosen to do the piece (typically the story is chosen and not the student) will get to go out with our multi media producer and with her help they will shoot stills, record audio, and gather video. they then will edit everything in to a stunning piece that will be viewed by all at the end of the workshop.

so by now you may be wondering who our new family member is. let me be the first to introduce you to rachel wise. here is the info brian sent me.

A bit about Rachel:
Rachel Wise is a multi-platform journalist and Master of Arts candidate in the Reporting New York program at the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. Rachel has about five years of experience in reporting, photography, multimedia production, page design, copy editing, and Web design/management. She has worked for daily, weekly and online publications throughout Florida prior to moving to New York City in 2009. For the last year, Rachel served as the editor of Pavement Pieces, the online publication for NYU graduate students, and has been working as a production assistant on a documentary film about environmental hazards in Navajo Nation. Most recently, she completed an internship with the Dow Jones News Fund. Rachel is most passionate about photojournalism, multimedia, editing and documentary work.

rachel has been invited to join our blog so if you see her on here welcome her.


Monday, August 30, 2010


Hi Team Orange!

Just thought I would say hello to everyone, fantastic to see everybody's work and direction. I am very excited about this workshop! It is a incredible, unique experience, and you will make some lifelong connections.

I teach a number of photography workshops on various topics and techniques, and I view my role as being there for the students to help/teach in anyway I can. The same is true for this workshop. I'm looking forward to going out and assisting your shoots from technical aspects to creative ideas. Combined with Maura and Josh's expertise, and your work, the final stories and images should be fantastic.

We're just about a month away, see you all soon!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hello team orange

First, I would like to thank Josh for all his work already. This blog is great. I check in every day. I have been reading every post - I feel like a blog stalker. Finally getting around to posting a comment. There has not been anything to add, since Josh is so comprehensive in all his posts. Please read his posts carefully, because it will prepare you for a great weekend. Melissa Lyttle's post covers just about EVERYTHING to expect. I noticed that it was already 49 degrees in Sullivan county at night this week. It is true- I have seen snow and 80 degree days in the Catskill mountains on the same weekend-so bring clothes to layer up.

I am so impressed with our team of photographers. Really strong work, with personal style and vision. Can't wait to meet you all in Jeffersonville, NY.

That said, I am happy to look at your work and make comments, if you need, before we get to the workshop. I agree with Josh that it does not matter how you show your portfolio, but it should reflect your passion, and the quality of the prints or files should be excellent.

The only thing that I do not recall seeing mentioned are promotion or business cards. I think it is a good idea to have a "leave behind" card since there are so many people to meet and you want people to remember you. Once again you want the quality of your work and professionalism to be evident even in the card you leave behind. I like cards with a picture. I remember pictures better than names. I also think it is a good idea to have your location on the card- that is how I hire people and how most photographers are hired. (Of course, that is after someone knows what you have to offer by your signature style.)

That's all for now.

a question from mario

hey oranges,

mario asked a great question the other day. it is one i have been meaning to make a post on. thanks for the reminder mario!!!

here is what he asked.....

"I would like to get some information on the portfolio that we can show for portfolio reviews. What kind of portfolio should we prepare?"

and my reply.....

"show the work you are passionate about. forget about formulas, forget about trying to show stuff you think editors want to see, and just show the stuff you love. as far as how to show it. whatever is easiest. a print book, computer slideshow, an ipad. that is your choice. just make it look good and have it say something about who you are as a photographer. "

mario then went on to ask....

" it okay to show unfinished stories? I am working on several projects/stories that I am passionate about but I think I will not be able to finsh them by the time of the workshop. I still plan to show the stories with the images I already have. I am planning to use a laptop with a website like presentation to show my work."

and i replied....

"yeah. just tell people it's a work in progress. editors see that kind of stuff all the time."

i know when i was a student at the workshop i was freaking out about how to show my work and what work to show. having been through that experience before i can tell you that the most important thing is to show work that says something about YOU. like i told mario don't show editors, especially at the workshop, what you think they want to see. now if you were to go into the espn offices you wouldn't show them your work that you did covering a natural disaster, but at the workshop there will be editors from every walk of life so show them stuff that you truly love and don't worry about the content as much.

as far as how to show the work that will be up to you. as i told mario show it however you want. a print book, on an ipad, on a computer, or just loose prints. it really doesn't matter. just make sure it looks as professional as possible and is easy to use. during the 11:30 club (that's what we call the portfolio reviews since they tend to start at 11:30 pm) the editors will try to meet with at least 3 students each. most tend to meet with many more. they are there late and get as little sleep as you guys will be. the last thing you want to show them a portfolio that is hard to use and is very clunky when they are tired. that being said all of the editors know you are just starting out or are still in school. they aren't expecting you to spend hundreds of dollars on an amazing presentation. if you can spend that much and want to, by all means go for it. if you can't, then don't. either way is fine.

if anyone has any questions about programs that you can use to make a slick presentation leave comment here and i will help you out as much as i can. to that end if anyone knows of any great way to display work for editors to view by all means share it.


Monday, August 23, 2010

get your learn on

hey guys,

after reading some of your comments to the equipment post and seeing some of the questions i thought i would respond in a separate post.

i see some of you guys are planning on using one lens during the workshop. i must say i admire your simplicity, but i want to warn you that your simplicity may not always apply during our time together. the main thing i want you to remember is that this is an opportunity for you to learn. it is really hard for everyone to learn if you only do what is comfortable and safe. tom, maura, and i are going to push you to see differently during the workshop. we will want you to step out of your comfort zone and try things you wouldn't normally do when you are at home. nothing is set in stone as far as how we as a team will get this accomplished, but in some cases one of us may ask one of you to shoot with a lens you wouldn't normally use. for example , if you only have a 24mm we may say that for one day you have to use only an 85mm or something. that is just an example, but it is a possibility. so when you decide what equipment to pack up i would say bring what you have. speed lights aren't required (nothing really is) but they could be helpful. if you have more than one lens bring them. i can definitely say that there will be some assignments that long glass is gonna be needed. if you only own one lens and one body that is totally cool and there is no reason to feel left out or bad about it.

the idea of getting you out of your comfort zones will also carry over into the way i look for your assignments. some of them may be like shooting fish in a barrel while others may be more quiet and subtle as far the story line goes. if this year holds true to what we have done in the past we will look to set you up with a shoot that is a bit outside of what your used to.

the workshop is not a place where we are looking for you guys to make award winning portfolio images. it is a place where we want you to come together and take a chance visually so that you can grow into a better photographer.

if any of this sounds harsh, my apologies. that is not my intent. if you are a bit scared, good. the best advice i ever got as a photographer came from joe mcnally while i was a student at eaw in 2001. at the time i was a staff photographer at a tiny daily newspaper. joe looked over my portfolio and said i was playing it way too safe. he said my images were good, but not amazing. he then went on to say that the best way for me to take my images to the next level was to go somewhere where in his words "i was scared shitless". it took me several years to follow his advice but after i became a freelance photographer i realized he was right. fear is motivating and pushes you forward. so while i don't want to freak you guys out, i think a tad bit of fear is really healthy.

in the end i only want the best for you guys. every year i take a huge amount of pride in making you guys look good, and grow as photographers. sometimes i may come of as a bit of a older brother who is coming down on you, but please know it is only to help you along to becoming more amazing then you already are.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

what kind of gear do you have?

what up oranges!!!!

some of you may know that nikon is a major sponsor of the workshop. every year they show up at the barn and allow the students to check out camera bodies and lenses. before then they typically want to know what kind of gear people are currently using so they know what to bring along to the workshop. to that end i would like to get a list of what you guys have. if you are a canon shooter that is completely cool i still want to know what you have in your bag, and if you chose you can still request nikon gear at the workshop.

here is what want to know.....
a list of all of your gear (bodies, lenses, any speedlights)

will you have any audio gear, you know something to record with (if not no big deal. this is completely up to you but you can record the speakers with it at the very least.)

are you bringing your laptop? this will help me with a few minor details i need to worry about. (not a huge deal either way)

if you could check out nikon gear what would you like to have ideally? the nikon folks asked this in years past if i remember correctly.

just leave your answers in a comment on this post. i would love to hear from all of you on this one.